Amazing 15 World's Largest Objects

World's Largest BookThe award for largest published book goes to an author and scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Michael Hawley. The 133-pound book is five by seven feet, 112 pages, needs a gallon of ink for printing, and costs $2,000 to produce. Its title? “Bhutan: A Visual Odyssey Across the Kingdom.”World’s Largest MotorcycleOfficially recognized by the Guinness Book of

Punakawan - Semar, Gareng, Petruk, Bagong

Prepat Punakawan_1600*1000Prepat Punakawan_1600*1200Gareng, Petruk, Bagong in 1600*1000 size: Gareng, Petruk lan Bagong in 1600*1200 size:Gareng_1600*1200Petruk_1600*1200Bagong_1600*1200

shoot for the moon, 1024 x 768 ( English )

Punakawan - Semar


Art Design Part 14

Art Design Part 13

Prae Pisarat Watcharakeerin

Prae Ponrumpa